Customer import is implemented in Rainex as a simple quick upload of a data file without the need for manual data transfer.
In the settings section, click on the import data tab. Select Import Data and click Start New Import.
Enter the operation name and download the document sample for filling out. The sample can be in one of 3 convenient formats CSV, XLS or XLSX.
Filling out the document #
Please note, there are no mandatory fields in the document, however, the more detailed information about the customer you enter, the more convenient and productive will be your work with this data in the system.
ID – Identifier allows you to systematize data about your customers. Therefore, the content of this field should be unique for each customer, including no coincidences with IDs of customers already entered in the system.
Last name and first name – This customer data (if available) can be used for personalization of automatic notifications and in Customer Portal.
Email – This field is highly recommended to be filled in, as sending of generated invoice, notifications and logging into the Customer Portal is done through the verified email of the customer.
Email, Company, Company LinkedIn Url and Website fields are recommended to be filled in to maximize the accuracy and efficiency of the GetLeads feature. Please note that the Company LinkedIn Profile URL and Website must begin with http:// or https:// and contain the domain name.
Language – Specify the language to send automatic notifications for each customer using ISO 639-1 2 letter abbreviations, e.g. en for English, fr for French and so on. List of codes
Please note that notifications are not available in all world languages at the moment. But you can always leave a request to add the language you need by writing to our email or live chat.
Auto-collection – If autopayment is enabled for the imported customer and the payment method will be added in the future, type on in the auto_collection column. If you accept standard payments from the customer, enter off or leave the column empty.
Additional emails – In Rainex you can add more than one email address of a customer to send invoices and notifications by trigger. If you have information about a second verified customer email address, enter it in the additional_emails/[0] column. If you have three or more such e-mail addresses, copy and paste this column as many times as there are e-mails of the customer, change the index to the next digit in order and enter one e-mail address into the column. The index always starts at 0 and changes to consecutive integers.
The following fields billing address/… are used to generate the invoice and determine the tax on the invoice.
Please pay special attention to the fields billing address/state code and billing address/country code. These fields must be filled in according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. For example, for the US state of Alabama the billing address/state code should be US-AL and the billing address/country code field should be US. List of codes
We remind you that Rainex strictly adheres to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Services and does not disclose and/or sell data about you or your customers, keeping it safe and secure in accordance with international norms.
Importing the document #
When the document is filled in, upload it in the first step of the customer import in CSV, XLS or XLSX formats. This step is the initial validation of the data and if you have filled in the data incorrectly, the system will notify you immediately. If everything is in order, you will be taken to the second step of the import.
Step number two is column mapping. That is, the system checks and correlates the data from the document with the data requirements.
If there is a data mismatch, you will see the unmatched status for the corresponding columns. In this case it is necessary to edit the mapping, i.e. direct the data to the appropriate section for further correct work.
In the operation card, you can see both the overall status of the operation and the upload status of each entity being uploaded. Don’t be afraid to exit the card and start other operations in Rainex, the data is saved in the system and will not be lost when you switch to another page. The import may take some time depending on the amount of data being imported. Customer data will be displayed under the Customers tab in the Billing section as it is loaded.
When the import is complete, data about this operation can be found in the Import Data table.