Having a set payment method is a prerequisite for auto-payment settings. Otherwise, acquirer won’t be able to automatically debit the client’s card according to the invoices.
One way to do this is to generate a payment link and send it to the customer so that the latter enters their payment data themselves.
Please note that this feature will only be available if you have connected payment gateways.
In the Billing section of the Customers tab, click on the customer for whom you want to add a payment method.
In the client card, select Request Payment Method from the list of options in the upper right corner and click on it.
In the pop-up window select the gateway from the connected gateways, than which the customer will pay later.
In the Payment link for customer line that appears, you will see a unique link that the customer will click on to secure a specific payment method for your product or service.
Now you can paste the link into an email to the customer or any messenger that is convenient for communication and finish setting up auto-collection when the customer fills in their details.