


AI Powered Lead Attraction for $0.04

GetLeads is a unique tool for optimizing the search for the most relevant potential customers and optimizing interaction with them through the use of Artificial Intelligence.

AI GetLeads

High Conversion

High conversion rates with minimal resource investment directly translates into increased sales and revenue, improving overall profitability and growth.

Data-driven insights

GetLeads AI searches for the most relevant leads in real time using Google and Linkedin, which are updated every second, ensuring that the data you receive is always up to date.

Focus on closing deals

By focusing on closing deals rather than finding leads that can be automated, companies can maximize revenue and efficiency by leveraging human expertise where it adds the most value.

Discover Leads Eager for Your Solution

Rainex AI identifies your target potential customer using comprehensive filters and a portrait of current customers, and generates lists of your ideal leads.

GetLeads steps

This approach to lead search:

  • Increases customer acquisition rates by focusing on leads that fit your ideal customer profile.
  • Enhances marketing and sales efforts by targeting leads that are more likely to convert, saving time and resources.
  • Fosters better customer relationships as you can tailor your approach to the specific needs and preferences of these potential customers.
  • Improves return on investment (ROI) as marketing campaigns are directed at those with a higher propensity to purchase.
  • Contributes to overall revenue growth by streamlining the sales process and focusing on high-potential opportunities.
GetLeads steps

Experience a new way to find your future customers


more warm responses

40 hours

saved for cold search per month


higher conversion

What is the uniqueness of GetLeads lead generation
compared to competitors?

No purchased third-party databases

GetLeads AI searches for the most relevant leads in real time using Google and Linkedin, which are updated every second, ensuring that the data you receive is always up to date.

98% of leads
are relevant

A smart algorithm determines a portrait of your current paying customers and, based on them, drives prospecting for potential customers who are 98% likely to be relevant and interested in your product.

to experiment

Look for your audience or test hypotheses to expand your customer base with flexible generation settings. Generate a variety of personalized offers to achieve the highest conversion rate.

AI GetLeads

Supercharge your sales funnel with Rainex AI-driven lead generation tool. Quickly identify and connect with high-potential leads, enhance your targeting accuracy, ensuring your sales team focuses on prospects most likely to convert.


per relevant lead

Upcoming Features

Reach your future customers in an optimized way

The system will do all the time-consuming and effort-intensive tasks for you: identify the decision maker, generate a personalized message tailored to the pain points of this type of company and your solution to those challenges, get links to personal profiles. All you have to do is click 1 button and send a message via LinkedIn!


This method of primary engagement:

  • Ensures that marketing and sales efforts reach the right person, increasing the likelihood of a positive response and conversion.
  • Makes offers more attractive and relevant to the decision maker by demonstrating a deep understanding of needs and preferences, which increases engagement and interest in the product or service.
  • Saves time and resources by streamlining the process, allowing you to effectively expand your reach.
  • Accelerates the response process and provides a competitive edge.
GetLeads - LinkedIn generation
GetLeads messaging

Automate familiar ways of interaction

Email newsletters are a standard way of engaging customers that hasn’t lost its relevance. Rainex covers this area of your marketing chores as well through message generation and mailing automation.


This mailing mechanism:

  • Significantly increases efficiency by reducing the time and effort required to create and send personalized offers, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Personalizes offers, ensuring they are relevant to each lead, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Provides scalability, allowing you to reach a wider audience with customized messages without additional manual effort.
  • Enables valuable insights through data analytics, helping to refine and optimize marketing strategies over time for better results.


GetLeads messaging

Leverage the success of your competitors to your advantage

Based on reviews and customer stories, Rainex AI builds a portrait of a potential customer. This is the third tool for generating leads in addition to filters and customers as references.


This analysis for lead prospecting:

  • Helps to target marketing campaigns by developing a detailed and accurate portrait of the ideal customer.
  • Identifies gaps in competitors’ offerings, providing opportunities to differentiate and gain competitive advantage.
  • Provides insight into customers’ pain points and preferences, enabling you to tailor your products and services to better meet those needs.
  • Helps you anticipate market trends and customer expectations, enabling more proactive strategic planning.
GetLeads analytics
GetLeads ads

Adopt the best practices of your competitors

Rainex AI selects and analyzes your competitors’ advertising campaigns from target markets to specific banner content. Based on the analysis, the system generates variants of your advertising campaigns.


This strategy for preparing promotional materials:

  • Identifies successful strategies and tactics, enabling you to implement and refine proven approaches.
  • Uncovers market trends and consumer preferences based on competitor data, helping you create more effective and relevant campaigns.
  • Reduces the time and cost associated with campaign development by using AI to automate the analysis and creation process.
  • Promotes continuous optimization, as AI can regularly update and refine campaigns based on current performance data and competitor actions.
GetLeads ads

Make promotion efficient and effortless

Thanks to Rainex’s integration with the world’s top promotion platforms, your promotional campaigns are automatically launched.


This automation of advertising campaign launches:

  • Streamlines the entire process, reducing the time and effort needed to set up and monitor campaigns, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Provides real-time insights and analytics, enabling quick adjustments to improve campaign performance and optimize ad spend.
  • Ensures consistent and timely execution of advertising strategies, maintaining momentum and maximizing impact.
  • Facilitates continuous improvement by learning from past campaign data to refine future advertising efforts, leading to sustained growth and competitive advantage.
GetLeads search

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your sales strategy!

Book a demo with our experts to show you the system in action.

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Try our new AI tool and get 1,000 prospects for only $0,04 per lead

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Lead generation software

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