
Email vs. LinkedIn: How Does the Marketing Channel Affect Conversion Rates?

In the world of digital marketing, reaching the right audience is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in how effectively that audience can be converted into customers or clients. Two of the most prominent channels for B2B marketing are email and LinkedIn. While both have their merits, they differ significantly in how they impact conversion rates. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses seeking to optimize their strategies.

debate between email and LinkedIn marketing

The Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been a staple in the marketer’s toolkit. It is one of the first online marketing methods that has remained at the top of effectiveness over the years. What are the reasons for this?


  • Personalization: Emails can be highly customized based on user behavior, preferences, and past interactions. This personalization can significantly improve open rates and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Segmentation: Email lists can be segmented into specific groups, allowing marketers to tailor messages based on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics, making the content more relevant and engaging.
  • Automation: Email marketing platforms offer automation tools that can nurture leads through a sales funnel with minimal manual intervention. Automated drip campaigns can guide prospects from awareness to decision-making, enhancing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Metrics and Analytics: Email marketing provides detailed metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. These insights allow marketers to continually optimize their campaigns for better performance.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. It requires minimal investment compared to other forms of advertising. With the right tools, even small businesses can execute professional-looking campaigns without a large budget.
  • Scalability: Email marketing can easily scale with your business. Whether you’re reaching a few hundred people or hundreds of thousands, email allows for consistent and broad-reaching communication.


  • Inbox Overload: With the average business person receiving numerous emails daily, there’s a high chance that marketing emails will be overlooked or deleted.
  • Content Fatigue: Over time, recipients may become fatigued by receiving frequent marketing emails, even from brands they like. This can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and lower engagement levels.
  • Deliverability Issues: Ensuring that emails are delivered to the recipient’s inbox, rather than their spam or junk folder, can be challenging. Poorly maintained email lists, spammy content, and technical issues can all impact deliverability. This significantly reduces the chances of the email being seen, let alone acted upon.
  • Privacy and Legal Concerns: Compliance with regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CAN-SPAM is essential in email marketing. Failure to adhere to these laws can result in hefty fines and damage to a brand’s reputation.
  • Resource Intensive: Although cost-effective, email marketing can be resource-intensive in terms of time and effort. Crafting effective campaigns requires careful planning, content creation, list management, and ongoing optimization.

The LinkedIn Outreach Impact

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, offers a different approach to B2B marketing. Unlike email, LinkedIn is a social platform where professionals connect, share content, and engage with industry-related topics. This environment is inherently conducive to networking and building relationships, which can lead to higher conversion rates when leveraged correctly.


  • Professional Context: LinkedIn is a platform built around professional connections, making it ideal for reaching out to business professionals, decision-makers, and industry leaders. This professional environment enhances the credibility of outreach efforts, increasing the likelihood of positive responses.
  • Advanced Targeting Capabilities: LinkedIn allows users to target their outreach based on detailed professional criteria, including job titles, industries, companies, skills, and more. This precision ensures that outreach efforts are directed at the most relevant and qualified individuals, improving the chances of success.
  • Direct Access to Decision-Makers: LinkedIn allows you to connect directly with decision-makers, influencers, and professionals in your target industry. This direct access is invaluable for outreach, as you can engage with the people who have the authority to make purchasing decisions.
  • Personalized Outreach: LinkedIn provides the ability to personalize messages easily, which is crucial for effective outreach. Personalization can include referencing the recipient’s work, shared connections, or recent activities on LinkedIn, making the outreach feel more genuine and tailored.
  • Integrated Tools for Sales and Networking: LinkedIn offers tools like Sales Navigator, which is specifically designed to help with outreach efforts. It provides advanced features for lead generation, account-based marketing, and building relationships with prospects.
  • Content Sharing and Engagement: By sharing relevant content such as articles, case studies, or white papers on your profile, you can demonstrate expertise and provide value to your connections. This content can be referenced in outreach messages to strengthen your pitch.
  • Enhanced Visibility: When reaching out on LinkedIn, individuals can view your profile, which serves as a professional landing page. A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can reinforce your brand’s credibility and expertise, supporting your outreach efforts.
  • Relationship Building: LinkedIn is not just a broadcasting platform; designed for networking and relationship building. By connecting with potential leads and nurturing these relationships through consistent engagement, marketers can help build trust and pave the way for successful outreach. Even if the initial contact is not interested, they may refer you to someone else within their network who could be a good fit.


  • High Competition and Saturation: LinkedIn is a popular platform for outreach, meaning that many professionals receive numerous messages daily. This saturation can make it challenging to stand out, and recipients may ignore or dismiss outreach attempts due to overload.
  • Response Rate Variability: Despite LinkedIn’s professional setting, response rates can vary widely. Busy professionals may not prioritize responding to LinkedIn messages, especially if they perceive them as unsolicited or irrelevant, leading to lower engagement.
  • Perception of Spam: If not done carefully, LinkedIn outreach can be perceived as spammy, especially if messages are overly promotional or generic. This can damage your brand’s reputation and reduce the effectiveness of future outreach efforts.
  • Time-Consuming: Effective LinkedIn outreach requires time and effort, especially when it comes to personalizing messages and engaging with potential leads. Managing this process at scale can be resource-intensive, particularly for small teams or businesses.
  • LinkedIn’s Connection Limits: LinkedIn imposes limits on the number of connection requests you can send, especially to people outside your network. This can be a barrier when trying to reach a large audience quickly. Additionally, sending too many connection requests without response can lead to account restrictions.
  • Cost of Premium Features: Some of LinkedIn’s most useful outreach tools, such as InMail and advanced search filters, require a LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator subscription. These can be costly, especially for small businesses or individual users, and may not always justify the investment if the ROI is not clear.
  • Limited Engagement Metrics: Unlike email marketing, where detailed analytics are readily available, LinkedIn provides limited metrics on outreach campaigns. This makes it harder to measure the success of outreach efforts and to optimize strategies based on data.
The choice between the two depends on your specific outreach goals, audience, and budget.

Comparing Conversion Rates

The conversion rate— the percentage of recipients who take a desired action— varies between email and LinkedIn due to the inherent differences in these channels. Each platform offers unique advantages and challenges, depending on the nature of the outreach campaign and the target audience.

1. Open Rates

  • Email Marketing: The average open rate for email marketing across all industries typically ranges from 15% to 25%. However, this can vary significantly based on factors like industry, list quality, and email subject lines.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn doesn’t have a direct equivalent to email open rates, but the visibility of posts and InMails is somewhat comparable. LinkedIn InMail messages have an impressive average open rate of 50% to 70%. This higher rate is due to the platform’s professional context, where users are more likely to engage with content that appears directly in their inbox, especially when it’s from another professional.

2. Click-Through Rates (CTR)

  • Email Marketing: The average CTR for email outreach campaigns typically falls between 2% to 5%.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn Sponsored InMail and other forms of outreach generally see a CTR of around 4% to 6%. The rate is about the same as email, however, the quality of the audience quality on LinkedIn is generally higher, meaning those clicks are often more valuable.

3. Response Rates

  • Email Marketing: Response rates for email outreach tend to be lower, generally around 1% to 3%, depending on the personalization and relevance of the message. Cold outreach emails, in particular, can struggle to generate responses unless they are highly targeted and offer clear value.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn outreach often has a higher response rate, typically ranging from 10% to 25%. This is due to the professional nature of the platform, where users are more inclined to respond to relevant, personalized outreach messages.

4. Conversion Rates

  • Email Marketing: Email conversion rates vary widely depending on the nature of the offer and the audience but generally range from 1% to 5%. Personalized and segmented emails can drive higher conversion rates, sometimes exceeding 6%.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn outreach conversion rates can vary but generally range from 2% to 4%. While the rates are similar to email, the leads generated via LinkedIn are often of higher quality, especially for B2B marketers targeting decision-makers.
5. Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  • Email Marketing: The cost per lead for email marketing is relatively low, often ranging from $20 to $60 depending on the industry. Email marketing is particularly cost-effective when using organic lists and well-segmented campaigns.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn tends to be either free or to have a higher cost per lead, generally ranging from $50 to $150 or more. This higher CPL is justified by the platform’s ability to deliver high-quality B2B leads, but it can be prohibitive for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.
6. Engagement Rates
  • Email Marketing: Engagement in email marketing is typically measured by open rates and CTR. The average engagement rate (a combination of open rate and CTR) can range from 2% to 12%. However, engagement rates can drop if recipients feel overwhelmed by frequent emails or if the content isn’t highly relevant.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn encourages engagement through professional networking, making it easier to follow up and build relationships over time. Content shared on LinkedIn also benefits from the platform’s algorithm, which promotes engaging posts, leading to broader visibility and interaction. Organic engagement rates for LinkedIn posts can range from 2% to 40% depending on content quality and relevance.
7. Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing is known for its high ROI, with industry averages reporting returns of $36 for every $1 spent. The ROI is driven by low costs and the ability to reach a large audience with targeted, personalized messages.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn’s ROI can be substantial, particularly in B2B sectors where the quality of leads is more critical than quantity. While LinkedIn’s costs are higher, the ROI is often justified by the value of the professional connections and leads generated, though it varies widely based on the campaign’s execution.
8. Audience Reach and Scalability
  • Email Marketing: Email has the advantage of scalability. Once an email list is built, businesses can send out mass emails to thousands of contacts with minimal additional costs. The challenge lies in growing and maintaining a high-quality email list.
  • LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn offers highly targeted reach, but scaling campaigns can be expensive due to higher CPCs and CPMs. However, LinkedIn is unmatched in its ability to reach specific professional segments, making it a valuable tool for targeted B2B outreach.

LinkedIn marketing is already good, but Rainex GetLeads can make it even better!

GetLeads is enhancing LinkedIn marketing for businesses by offering tools and strategies that streamline the process of generating leads, building professional connections, and improving outreach effectiveness on the platform.


Here’s how GetLeads is making a difference:

1. Automated Lead Generation

  • Streamlining the Process: GetLeads automates the process of finding and connecting with potential leads on LinkedIn. By leveraging advanced algorithms and AI, it identifies prospects based on specific criteria such as job title, industry, location, and more, allowing you to focus on high-potential leads without manual searching.
  • Referencing Real Customers: The algorithm determines a portrait of your current paying customers and, based on them, drives prospecting for potential customers who are 98% likely to be relevant and interested in your product.
  • Improved Targeting: The tool refines targeting by analyzing LinkedIn profiles and activities, ensuring that you connect with the most relevant and qualified prospects. This increases the chances of successful outreach and lead conversion.

2. Personalized Outreach at Scale

  • Customized Messaging: AI GetLeads enables you to create personalized outreach messages that resonate with each prospect, increasing engagement and response rates.
  • Scaling Efforts: While personalization usually requires significant time and effort, GetLeads allows you to scale your personalized outreach efforts, sending hundreds or even thousands of customized messages efficiently.
3. Time and Cost Efficiency
  • Saving Resources: By streamlining many of the time-consuming aspects of LinkedIn marketing, GetLeads allows you to allocate your time and resources more efficiently. This leads to cost savings and the ability to focus on strategic tasks rather than manual outreach efforts.
  • Centralized Data Management: With all lead data centralized, you can maintain a consistent follow-up strategy, nurturing leads through the sales funnel more effectively.
  • Better ROI: With improved targeting, personalized outreach, and data-driven optimizations, using GetLeads, you will see a better return on investment (ROI) from your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

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