
Rainex Changelog

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August 2024



Promote your product through leveraging LDT rate and third-party marketplaces, and Rainex will take care of the efficient management of new customers. You don’t need additional tools and spreadsheets. LTD customer data and subscriptions with all the details are stored in your secure single system.

GetLeads. Trial Period

Verify the relevance of leads generated by our AI-driven algorithm. Test the system yourself and check in practice not only the simplicity and ease of use, but also the relevance of the leads you get to the portrait of your ideal customer with free generation.



Data import

We’ve made data importing even easier with expanded formats for downloading the sample and uploading your data. Get started in the system even faster and smoother with the updated import of customer and subscription data. 


Just because something is new doesn’t mean it doesn’t need improvements, right? Rollout and regular demos of the new features of Lead Generation, Message Generation and Messaging via LinkedIn, launched in July, revealed points for optimization. For example, the refinements touched the processes of reflecting data in the table and sending messages.



Improved field mapping

Customer data consists of two components: Customer Details and Billing Information. Our specialists have detected a bug that appeared when updating customer data. Thanks to the corrected mapping of Billing Information fields, they remain correct when the main customer data is modified.

Fixed link attachment

Rainex allows you to add Custom Agreements to the customer registration page in the Customer Portal. The bug was preventing the link attachment from happening on the first attempt and required you to reattach. Being fixed, the Agreement addition is always correct.


July 2024


Rainex expands your ability to improve your business processes within the system with GetLeads, a new feature unique to billing systems.


Lead Generation

Comprehensive filters and portraits of current customers as a basis for search provide the most relevant prospecting using a smart AI algorithm via Google and Linkedin in real time.


Message Generation

By breaking down your list of potential customers into narrower groups, use AI to generate a targeted, personalized message that demonstrates your understanding of their pain points and addressing their challenges through your solution.


Manual mailing via Linkedin

Optimize manual LinkedIn messaging to prospects through GetLeads. Directly navigating to the decision maker’s page and copying the email with personalized variables greatly speeds up the initial engagement process.

Use Rainex not only to streamline your own processes, but also as a source of passive income. 20% commission from each referral monthly will be a nice bonus.


June 2024


Your first steps in the system are now even more streamlined with onboarding using Artificial Intelligence. Let our artificial assistant do all the initial setup personalized for your business needs. Don’t just answer questions, ask them! The AI will provide all the information about the Rainex system that you may be interested in.

Free plan

Get full access to Rainex functionality for free until you start generating steady revenue through the system. The first 100 free transactions will give you a smooth start and fast growth. Get started with Rainex with ease for your business.



New language

Seamlessly expand your access with localization of customer touchpoints. Rainex has added Japanese to the Customer Portal and Notifications settings. We always take heed of your needs and complement our functionality according to your requests!


Be accurate in defining the type of your services and thus ensure the accuracy of the tax calculation on your customer’s invoice. We have extended the typification of your products and services to provide an impeccable definition and calculation of VAT, sales tax, etc. specifically for your business.



Improved service type definition

Expanding the range of service types for the tax feature caused a temporary glitch in the display of this item in product creation. The Any type in the drop-down selection list complemented the new types added to the system. Being fixed, this feature ensures data accuracy.


May 2024


This new feature provides the ability to authorize your customers in the Portal through your backend. Use your own authentication mechanism and gain more control over customer sessions and tracking of changes made. And from a customer’s perspective, Single Sign-on is a more convenient solution, reducing passwords, speeding up processes, and inspiring even more trust in the service they’re already using.

Notifications are now not just for customers! Be aware of all important events in customer lifecycles without having to constantly track them in the system. Notifications help you rationalize your time and resources to manage customer subscriptions and maximize responsiveness and efficiency when needed.



Strategically place items in the Customer Portal to demonstrate the value and benefits of offerings and draw customers’ attention to the most favorable one for both of you. Arrange Plans, Addons and Charges displayed in the Customer Portal in a logical and intuitive order with a simple item organization tool.


We are constantly continuing to improve the tax feature for you. The use of the Reverse-Charge Mechanism allows you to correctly inform foreign legal entities purchasing your goods about the upcoming payment of VAT or other consumption tax. Expanded digital services provide greater accuracy in classifying your products and determining tax rates, especially for goods that may be tax exempt.


The new Refunds feature has shown the need for a new notification for customers. Customers will now be informed when an online refund is initiated through their connected payment method. Don’t forget to enable this notification on your email settings!



Fixed Refund creation via Credit Notes

The new Refund feature needed a minor correction after launch. Previously, when trying to add a full amount refund for a Credit Note with a fractional correction, the system used the wrong amount value (Amount instead of Total) and would not allow the refund to be created. With the correct value in validation, refunds via Credit Notes function as correctly as refunds via invoices and transactions. 

Improved mobile optimization of the Customer Portal

Making improvements to the button layout of the adaptive version of the Customer Portal positively impacts the customer’s user experience and benefits your purchase conversion rate.


April 2024


Complement your Customer Portal branding with your Custom Domain and build customer trust. 

CNAME creates a sense of professionalism and legitimacy for customers when it comes to their sensitive data and payments. And direct association with your company establishes memorability and engagement in your ecosystem.

Issue refunds to customers through their payment method in a couple of clicks, if payment was accepted by autopay or standard payment through one of Rainex’s connected gateways. Record refunds to those customers who pay using an alternative method and maintain correct data.

Manual Charging

Charge your customers through the payment method they have added without having to invoice each time. This update provides you with a guaranteed steady cash flow and simplifies the payment process for the customer.



We have increased the number of triggers and therefore messages to ensure the highest quality communication with customers. Notify customers of upcoming autopay debits and refunds. Keep customers in the loop on all important events in their subscription cycle.

You now have the option to add a 0 fee plan to your suite of offerings. Attract your customers with free plans and upgrade them to paid ones when they realize your product’s value to them and want bigger and better features.



Improved request sending

We have eliminated a recurring glitch causing incorrect auto-payment switching for the Portal. Selling one-time services and products through the Portal is possible thanks to the Single Payments feature, which is a standalone functionality. 


Previously, recurring and one-time payments would occasionally become out of sync when a customer turned autopayment on and off. With this fix, the auto-payment for invoice and single payment function together, ensuring correct debit of funds from the customer’s account


March 2024


Branding all customer touchpoints is now even easier and faster. Enter brand elements into the system, and it complements invoices, notifications and the Portal with your visual identity. The default brand gives you consistency in the appearance of your items, and the ability to create multiple brands provides the flexibility to manage all your companies in a single place. Create a professional image in just a couple of clicks.



Customizing each individual notification has become even more flexible. With updated branding, notifications no longer need to be customized with a single Master Template. The Master Template and Global Email Settings are now created for each individual email in a combination of branding and language.

Previews are now available for these two elements, allowing you to assess the harmony of their appearance and, for example, change the format of the logo. Unified branding has also simplified and accelerated the Portal setup, which means your customers will be able to start using their personal accounts even faster!

Quartzy has been upgraded in webhooks for improved compatibility. All of our updates and bug fixes are now even faster, better and more reliably reflected in your system, maintaining continuous access.



Improvement of Paystack integration functionality

Paystack payment gateway has its own internal rules and restrictions, one of which concerns currencies. The bug occurred that if a customer’s payment method or routing was configured for a currency not represented in Paystack, the gateway was sending webhooks about the transaction not in the failed status, as it should be, but in the pending one. With this fix, webhooks are now processed timely and correctly, providing both you and the customer with up-to-date payment data.


February 2024



We have expanded the options of payment methods connected for auto-payment. At your request or on their own in the Customer Portal, customers can attach ACH and pay for your products or services automatically on a regular basis. Reach more customer segments by offering them preferred payment methods they trust and use frequently.


With the launch of ACH, there was a need for a new notification to be special in functionality. A non-disabled automatic account confirmation email ensures that the notification is sent to the customer in a mandatory manner. The system will not allow an accident to fail the payment method connection.

Hard delete entities

Store and analyze only relevant information with the ability to delete permanently. From Customers and their subscriptions to every single transaction and credit note, purge the system of data you no longer need. And use and show customers only up-to-date offers thanks to item deletion.



Customer Portal

This month, the Customer Portal has been updated with a number of new features that improve customization flexibility and customer convenience. Efficiently localize your Portals and expand your reach with multilanguage capabilities. Manage the reflectivity of items in the Portal and dynamic pages will only reflect current relevant information. Sell one-time services and products through the Portal thanks to the combined features of Charges and Single Payments. And adding a Custom Agreement upon registration helps you secure yourself and your product.



Fixed subscription data display

We have enhanced the subscription item of a customer for whom an invoice is issued in advance. Previously, if 2 or more reminders were set for a customer about an impending due date, the subscription card would occasionally crash. This fix has made us sure that all your customers’ data is displayed correctly under all conditions and settings.


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